ChatGPT Prompts for UX and UI

There are 93 prompt in this category

Simplistic Style Guide Design Request

This prompt is used to request a contemporary and simplistic style guide for a specific type of website. It asks for a design that combines a specific color palette, typography, button styles, and icon sets.

Startup Website Wireframe Design

This prompt is used by a startup owner to ask ChatGPT for assistance in designing a wireframe for their initial product (Minimum Viable Product - MVP) that matches their business model and appeals to their target customers.

Style Guide Creation for a Specific Audience

This prompt is used to request the creation of a style guide for a specific type of website, with a particular theme, tailored to a target audience. The guide will include details on colors, fonts, button styles, and icon sets.

Style Guide Creation for Device-Specific Website

This prompt is used to request assistance in creating a style guide for a specific type of website that is optimized for certain devices. The guide will cover colors, typography, button styles, and icon sets.

Style Guide Creation for Website Revamp

This prompt is used to request assistance in creating a style guide for a website revamp. The guide should cover the color palette, typography, button styles, and icon sets, and should adhere to the brand and meet certain design standards.

Style Guide Creation Request

This prompt is used to request the creation of a style guide for a website. It specifies the brand colors, fonts, and images to be used, and the type of website for which the style guide is needed. It also requires adherence to specific brand guidelines.

Usability Testing Plan Creation

This prompt is used to generate a detailed plan for usability testing of a specific type of website. It takes into account various factors such as the type of website, the goals of usability, the number of participants, the types of usability tests to be used, the devices for which the website needs to be optimized, the target audience, and the features to be included in the plan.

Usability Testing Plan for Website Revamp

This prompt is to generate a usability testing plan for a website that is being revamped. It focuses on the type of the website, usability goals, target audience, device and browser optimization, number of participants, and types of usability audits.

User Experience Enhancement

This prompt is used to generate suggestions on how to improve the user experience of a specific web page for a particular user demographic.

User Journey Map Creation

This prompt is used to receive advice on creating a user journey map for a specific type of website, tailored to the requirements and tastes of a certain target audience.

User Journey Map Creation Guide

This prompt provides guidance on the necessary steps to create a user journey map for a specific type of website, taking into account the needs and preferences of a particular target audience.

User Journey Templates for Specific Website Needs

This prompt is used to request user journey templates for a specific type of website that requires certain custom functionality or interaction design, taking into account the requirements of a given business model and target audience.

User Persona Creation Techniques

This prompt is used to request for advanced techniques to create detailed user personas for a website, focusing on the target audience's motivations, interests, and challenges.

User Persona Development Guidance

This prompt is used to request for guidance on using a specific keyword or concept to develop user personas that accurately represent the user journey, experience, or feedback on a website, while also addressing their issues, concerns, or expectations.

Utilizing Programming Languages or Tools for Animations

This prompt helps users to get guidance on how to use a specific programming language or tool to create visually appealing animations for a website or project. It also provides recommendations for resources to understand the specified language or tool better.

Web Development Consultation

This prompt is used to request assistance in planning and designing a website, emphasizing its unique features and benefits, and maintaining consistency with branding guidelines. It also seeks recommendations for UI/UX design alternatives and content placement.

Website Creation with Specific User Interface Request

This prompt is a request for assistance in creating a new website of a specific type, offering a certain kind of user interface for a specific target audience, with the integration of certain features or technologies.

Website Design Suggestions

This prompt is used to request for suggestions on designing a specific type of website that is tailored for a specific audience and includes certain features. It also specifies that the design should be optimized for use on certain devices and browsers, with a strong focus on accessibility and navigation.

Website Development Technology Recommendation

This prompt is used to get recommendations for frontend or backend technologies and coding languages suitable for creating a specific type of website with certain custom functionalities or interaction designs.

Website Icon Design Suggestions

This prompt is used to generate various design ideas for a website icon that matches the user's specified color and font theme.

Website Information Architecture Advice

This prompt is a request for advice on creating an information architecture for a specific type of website. The user specifies the number of primary and secondary sections, the target audience, specific features to be included, adherence to certain design standards, and customization for specific devices.

Website Layout Assistance

This prompt is used to request assistance in designing the layout of a specific type of website, with a specified number of unique layout alternatives that include certain features and are compatible with certain devices.

Website Mockup Concepts Creation

This prompt is a request for the creation of a specified number of distinct mockup concepts for a specific type of website. The user specifies the target audience and the features that need to be accommodated in the design.

Website Navigation Creation Guide

This prompt is used to request a guide on how to create a website navigation that possesses certain qualities and effectively leads users to the main sections of the website.

Website Navigation Enhancement Ideas

This prompt is used to request design ideas that possess certain qualities to enhance the website's navigation, ensuring a user-friendly experience.

Website Overhaul Information Architecture Assistance

This prompt is a request for assistance in reorganizing the information architecture of a specific type of website. The user specifies the number of main and sub sections, the devices and browsers the website should be compatible with, the design best practices to adhere to, and specific functionalities to be integrated.

Website Prototype Creation Request

This prompt is a request for assistance in creating a prototype for a specific type of website, including particular features and a certain theme. The request also specifies the devices and browsers for optimization and the best practices for design concerning colors, fonts, and images.

Website Prototype Design Request

This prompt is used to request the design of a prototype for a specific type of website, suited for particular devices, with specific colors, fonts, images, and a feature on the main page that aligns with the requester's brand aesthetics.

Website Prototype Development Inquiry

This prompt is used to inquire about the possibility of creating a prototype for a specific type of website, integrating certain features while being optimized for specific devices and browsers. It also takes into consideration the target audience and the brand's visual identity.

Website Prototype Development with Specific Structure Inquiry

This prompt is used to ask about the possibility of creating a website prototype of a certain type with a specific structure, including a certain number of primary divisions and sub-divisions. It should be tailored to a specific target audience, include certain features, and be optimized for specific devices and browsers.

Website Prototype Development with Theme Inquiry

This prompt is used to ask about developing a website prototype of a certain type, with specific features, and a particular theme. The website should be optimized for specific devices and browsers, and it should follow the brand's color palette, typography, and button styles.

Website Prototype Recreation Request

This prompt is a request for help in recreating a specific type of website that needs a prototype. The request involves constructing a prototype with particular features, tailored for certain devices and browsers. The design should align with the brand, follow specified design standards, and employ a certain color palette, typography, and button styles.

Website Slider Design Concepts Recommendation

This prompt is used to request recommendations for various design concepts for a specific type of slider on a website. The slider is tailored for a specific noun and is aimed at a particular target audience.

Website Summary Request

This prompt is used to request a written summary of a specific type of website, targeting a specific audience and featuring several distinct elements.

Website Visual Mock-up Request

This prompt is used to request the creation of a visual mock-up for a specific type of website, specifying the desired colors, fonts, and a specialized feature for the main page.

Wireframe Creation Support

This prompt is used to seek assistance from ChatGPT in creating a wireframe for a specific type of website that should include a certain number of items and cater to a specific target market, with a focus on highlighting unique features or products.

Wireframe Design Assistance

This prompt is used to ask for help in designing a wireframe for a specific type of website that aligns with the preferences of a particular target audience.

Wireframe Prototype Suggestions

This prompt is used to request wireframe prototypes for a specific type of website, considering the number of pages, site purpose, and target audience.