ChatGPT Prompts for IT

There are 57 prompt in this category

Software Documentation Request

This prompt is used to request the creation of a specific type of document for a software, which requires the gathering and provision of data about prevalent trends during a certain period. The data should be of a certain quality (described by the adjective) and relevant to the software's audience.

Suggesting Potential Resolutions

This prompt is used to provide a detailed description of an issue and asks for a specific number of potential solutions for a particular error message on a specific device or platform.

Unit Test Report Request

This prompt is used to request the creation of a report that covers the results of unit tests for a specific function, class, or method.

Unit Test Script Request after Modifications

This prompt is used to request the creation of a script that will run unit tests and generate a report after a certain number of modifications have been made to an application. The script also needs to provide alerts for any failed tests.

Updating Code Comments

This prompt is used to request the update of comments in a given codebase. It specifies the status of the code, the project's name, and the codebase to be updated.