ChatGPT Prompts for Meal Planning

There are 60 prompt in this category

Budget and Dietary Needs Management

This prompt helps users to manage their budget and dietary needs while addressing specific food issues. It provides suggestions on how to adjust their food consumption and purchase habits to meet their dietary needs and financial constraints.

Budget-Friendly Bulk Meal Ideas

This prompt is used to get affordable meal prep ideas that can be prepared in bulk, considering the user's budget constraints and the number of family members.

Budget-Friendly Meal Planning Assistance

This prompt is used to request budget-friendly meal planning assistance from ChatGPT for the week. The user has a specific budget for groceries and is flexible with cuisines and dietary specifications.

Budget-Friendly Meal Planning for Families

This prompt assists in devising a nutritious meal scheme for a specific number of family members, offering recipes that are budget-conscious, cater to varying tastes, and are easy to cook.

Budget-Friendly Quick Meals for College Students

This prompt is used to generate quick, easy, and low-cost meal ideas for busy college students, making use of budget-friendly ingredients and recipes that can be prepared in under 30 minutes.

Custom Weight Loss Plan

This prompt is used to request a personalized weight loss plan based on specific details such as customer's name, age, current weight, target weight, timeframe, and medical conditions.

Customized Grocery List Preparation

This prompt helps the user to prepare a grocery list considering the number of family members, their dietary restrictions/allergies, preferences for protein or veggie-based options, and the budget.

Customized Weekly Meal Plan with Shopping List

This prompt is used to create a personalized weekly meal plan that caters to specific dietary restrictions, preferences for a certain type of cuisine, and includes/excludes specific ingredients. A shopping list for the entire week is also provided.

Detailed Nutritional Analysis

This prompt is used to request a comprehensive breakdown of the nutritional content of a meal containing specified ingredients. It particularly emphasizes aspects such as calories, macronutrients, vitamins, and minerals.

Diet Plan Compatible Snack Recommendations

This prompt is used to request snack suggestions that align with the user's specific diet plan. It also seeks snacks that fit certain criteria (low-calorie/high-protein/vegan/gluten-free) and can be easily incorporated into the user's meals.

Diet-Specific Meal Prep Ideas

This prompt is used to ask ChatGPT to provide recipes for a specific meal type that comply with the user's macronutrient goals, as they are on a specific diet plan and need meal prep ideas.

Diet-Specific Meal Recommendations for Health Goals

This prompt can provide meal ideas that are compatible with specific dietary plans (vegetarian, vegan, paleo, keto) and can help achieve various health goals (weight loss, muscle gain, improved digestion).

Dietary Specific Meal Prep Ideas

This prompt is used to get meal prep ideas that incorporate a specific food group that a user wants to include more in their meals. It also considers the user's dietary requirements.

Dinner Party Grocery Planner

This prompt assists in creating a customized grocery list for a dinner party, taking into account the number of attendees, the main course's theme, the budget, and any dietary restrictions or allergies.

Dinner Party Meal Ideas for Specific Diets

This prompt generates meal ideas for a dinner party where the guests have specific dietary preferences (vegan, paleo, keto, etc.), with a preference for using seasonal ingredients and dishes that can be prepared ahead of time.

Event Parking and Transportation Advice

This prompt is used to provide advice on managing parking and transportation logistics for a large event with a specific number of participants in a particular location or work area.

Grocery List Suggestions

This prompt instructs ChatGPT to provide suggestions for a specific category of food items to add to a weekly grocery list, considering a specific dietary preference.

Healthy Dietary Change

This prompt is for users seeking to modify their diet by reducing consumption of certain nutrients such as carbs, fat, or sugar, and seeking meal recommendations that are low in these nutrients. It also allows users to express interest in recipes that incorporate high-protein, green vegetables, or healthy fats.

Healthy Eating Grocery Guide

This prompt helps in suggesting a grocery list based on the user's meal type preference, dietary option, budget, and the number of days. It aims to promote healthier eating habits.

Healthy Snack Suggestions for Specific Dietary Needs

This prompt is used to request recommendations for healthy snacks that can help control hunger and maintain energy levels, while also meeting specific dietary needs such as being gluten-free, dairy-free, or low-calorie.

Healthy Snack Suggestions for Specific Dietary Needs

This prompt is used to request healthy snack suggestions that are suitable for individuals with specified dietary restrictions. It also seeks snacks that are low in a certain macronutrient, high in a certain micronutrient, and easy to eat while on the go.

Ingredient Substitute in a Specific Recipe

This prompt is used to ask for a substitute for a particular ingredient in a specific recipe. The user specifies the amount of the ingredient to be replaced and wants the substitute to share a specific attribute due to a certain reason.

Innovative Recipe Suggestions

This prompt is used to request innovative recipe suggestions from ChatGPT based on specific types of recipes and food groups. The user is looking to try something new for their meals in the upcoming week.

Keynote Speaker Recommendations

This prompt is used to ask for recommendations of engaging keynote speakers for a conference in a specific work area with a certain number of attendees.

Leftover Ingredients Recipe

This prompt is for users who have leftover ingredients and want recipe suggestions that can use these ingredients. It also allows users to specify their diet preferences such as dietary restrictions, healthy, quick and easy, or veggie-based diets.

Leftover Ingredients Recipe Suggester

This prompt provides recipe suggestions based on the user's leftover ingredients. It considers the user's preference for healthy, cheap, or vegetarian options that can be prepared quickly.

Lifestyle-based Weight Loss Plan

This prompt is used to request a weight loss plan that fits into a specific lifestyle, taking into account the number of hours worked per day and spent commuting, and a preference for minimal cooking and gym workouts.

Low-Cost Meal Preparation Suggestions

This prompt provides users with suggestions of low-cost ingredients for preparing specific types of meals for a whole week. It helps users plan their meals while considering their budget.

Meal Planning with Existing Pantry

This prompt assists the user in planning meals for the week using the ingredients they already have in their pantry. It takes into account the user's preference for protein or veggie-based dishes and any dietary restrictions or allergies in the family.

Party Recipe Suggestions

This prompt is for users who are hosting a party and want recipe recommendations that are unique and creative. It allows users to specify their interest in recipes that include exotic ingredients, chef-inspired techniques, or international flavors. Users can also express their openness to a variety of food options including vegan, gluten-free, or meat options.

Quick Recipe Suggestions

This prompt is used to request recipe suggestions from ChatGPT that take less than a certain amount of time to prepare. The user has a packed schedule and needs fast and easy recipes.

Quick Wholesome Breakfast Ideas

This prompt is used to request a list of wholesome breakfast ideas that can be prepared in a specified number of minutes, suitable for busy mornings.

Recipe Suggestions Based on Current Ingredients

This prompt provides users with recipe suggestions based on the ingredients they currently have in their pantry and fridge. It helps users utilize what they already have and avoid food waste.