ChatGPT Prompts for Research

There are 63 prompt in this category

Analyze Sentiment from Customer Feedback

This prompt assists in analyzing the sentiment from customer feedback for a specific company or product over a given duration. It categorizes the feedback as positive, negative, or neutral and provides samples.

Annotated Bibliography Creation

This prompt is used to create an annotated bibliography on a specific topic. It specifies the number of sources to be included and the length of each annotation.

Annotated Bibliography Request

This prompt is used to request an annotated bibliography related to a specific research question. The user specifies the number of sources and the length of each annotation.

App Market Persona Request

This prompt is a request for customer personas for a new app being developed for a specialized market. The personas should reflect the desired audience based on specified types of traits and suggest features that would attract them.

Assist with Research Data

This prompt is used when the user needs help obtaining specific information for a research report on a given topic.

Assistance in Composing a Research Report

This prompt is used to request assistance in composing a research report on a specific topic. The user specifies the topic and key areas of interest for which they require help in gathering and analyzing data, along with deriving insights.

Assistance in Crafting Report/Article

This prompt is used to request assistance in crafting a report or article. It asks for a specific number of thoroughly checked facts related to a specific topic and context to substantiate the report or article.

Chart Type Recommendation

This prompt is used to ask for advice on the most suitable type of chart for a particular data source, taking into account a specific related factor. It also expresses a desire to modify the result to fit specific needs.

Competitor Pricing Strategy Analysis

This prompt is used to gather and interpret data about a competitor's pricing strategy using a specific source. It aims to identify gaps where your company could improve its own pricing approach.

Compile a Research Report

This prompt is used to request the AI to compile a research report on a specified topic using a certain number of references and keeping the report to a specific word count.

Comprehensive Research Report Request

This prompt is used to ask the AI to create a detailed research report on a specific topic, using a certain number of a specific type of references, with a specified deadline.

Content Strategy Persona Request

This prompt is a request for customer personas designed to improve a company's content strategy. The personas should emphasize the hobbies of the customers and suggest content themes they would connect with.

Contextual Fact-checking Content Creation

This prompt is used to request the creation of content that fact-checks a claim or statement, considering specific context or details, and provides information to either substantiate or deny the claim or statement.

Crafting Discussion Points

This prompt is used to generate a specified number of discussion points related to a particular subject matter, with a focus on certain keywords.

Crafting Study Questions

This prompt assists in crafting a specified number of clear and concise or thought-provoking questions for a study assessing a specific topic within a target audience. It ensures consideration of a particular subtopic and avoidance of topic-specific terminology.

Creating a Literature Review

This prompt is used to request help in creating a literature review of a specific length on a particular topic. The literature review should delve into certain aspects of the topic, draw from a specified number of sources, and be written in a specific style.

Creating Colorful Visualizations Over Time

This prompt provides step-by-step instructions on how to create a specific type of chart to visualize different categories in a data source over a certain time period using colors. It also explores the possibility of merging this with another data set in the graphic representation.

Creation of a Research Report

This prompt is for requesting the creation of a research report on a specific topic. The user specifies the topic, the specific information they wish to include, and the criteria they want to use to form conclusions.

Customer Feedback Analysis

This prompt is used to study customer feedback and sentiment about a specific product or service using a particular source. It aims to share insights into what customers like and dislike about the product/service.

Customer Persona Design Request

This prompt is a request for customer persona design based on specific criteria. It is used when a client wants to understand their target audience better by creating realistic profiles of their ideal customers.

Data Management Assistance

This prompt is used when the user needs help in managing specific data that is collected from certain sources and needs to be compiled into particular destinations.

Designing Survey Questions

This prompt is used to generate a set of well-balanced and appropriately challenging questions for a survey sponsored by a specific organization. The purpose of the survey is to understand the preferences of a target audience regarding a particular product.

Detailed Literature Review with Specific Aspects

This prompt is used to request a detailed literature review on a specific topic that highlights certain aspects. The review should be of a certain length and should cite a specified number of sources.

Developing Customer Personas

This prompt is used to request the creation of specific customer personas for a product or company. The customer personas are developed based on provided criteria and are intended for use in a marketing strategy.

Developing Customer Personas for Startups

This prompt is used to request the development of a specified number of customer personas for a startup, reflecting their desired market based on certain traits. It also asks for recommendations of successful marketing channels.

Developing Interactive Questionnaire

This prompt helps in creating a questionnaire with a specific number of questions of a certain type. The questionnaire is aimed at collecting data about a specific topic from a target audience. It ensures that the questions are interactive and are formulated in either simple or technical language.

Devising Subject Themes

This prompt is used to generate a specified number of unique themes for a piece of writing, based on a particular subject matter and integrating certain keywords.

Fact-checking Content Creation

This prompt is used to request the creation of content that fact-checks and either confirms or dispels a particular claim or statement made by a person or an organization about a specific topic.

Fact-Checking Request

This prompt is used to request a fact-checking service. It specifies the type of statement (positive or negative), the topic of the statement, the source of the statement, and the required number of claims to fact-check.

Generate Thematic Topics

This prompt generates a specific number of compelling topic themes that thoroughly dissect a given subject matter, with an emphasis on certain keywords.

Generate Topic Suggestions

This prompt is used to generate a specific number of topic suggestions on a given subject matter that would appeal to a particular target audience.

Help with Drafting a Research Report

This prompt is for requesting help in drafting a research report. The user specifies the topic, the number of scholarly articles to review, and the specific aspects of the topic they are interested in exploring more.

Industry Analysis Request

This prompt is used to request a comprehensive analysis of a specific industry, including the identification of key growth drivers and potential challenges.

Industry Report Evaluation

This prompt is used to request an evaluation of reports from a specific year related to a certain industry. It also asks for any significant conclusions or patterns that should be noted.

Literature Review Focused on a Specific Issue

This prompt is used to request a literature review that focuses on a specific issue related to a particular topic for a certain type of task. The review should be a certain length and should incorporate a specified number of sources.

Literature Review Generation for a Project

This prompt is used to request the generation of a literature review on a specific topic for a certain type of project. The review should be a certain length and should reference a specified number of sources.

Product/Service Comparative Analysis

This prompt is used to conduct a comparative analysis of a product/service and its competitor. It uses a specific source to collect specific data about their features, pricing, and customer reviews, to identify competitive advantages or areas of improvement.

Project Data Visualization Assistance

This prompt is used to seek assistance in identifying relevant data sources and advice on creating a meaningful chart that illustrates the relationship between various data points for a specific project.

Proposing Themes for a Piece

This prompt is used to generate themes for a piece of writing, based on a specific topic and keywords, and characterized by a certain adjective.

Recognize Prevalent Themes in Customer Feedback

This prompt aids in recognizing the prevalent themes in customer feedback for a specific company or product. It aims to understand the most commonly discussed matters and prioritize amendments according to customer feedback.