ChatGPT Prompts for Education

There are 124 prompt in this category

Academic Program Suggestions

This prompt is used to ask for suggestions of academic programs that could help in achieving a specific career objective.

Applying Theory to Current Events

This prompt asks the AI to apply a given theory or concept to a current event or social issue, thereby demonstrating its relevance and applicability in real-world contexts.

Assignment Grading and Performance Summary

This prompt is used to request assistance in grading a specific number and type of assignments for a particular course. It also asks for a performance summary for each student.

Assisting with Student Performance Evaluation

This prompt is a request for assistance in creating an evaluation for a student's performance in a specific class, project, or assignment. It requires specific information to provide a detailed and comprehensive evaluation.

Collaborative Lesson Plan Building

This prompt is used to request collaboration in building a lesson plan for a specific subject for a certain grade level. The lesson plan should include a certain number of debate prompts, practical activities, and multimedia tools.

Comparing and Contrasting Topics

This prompt asks the AI to compare and contrast two topics in terms of a specific aspect or characteristic. It's useful for understanding the similarities and differences between two things.

Comparing Degree Program Options

This prompt is used when a user is uncertain between two options for their degree program. The assistant will provide a comparison highlighting the pros and cons of each choice.

Compose Specific Audience Tutorial

This prompt is used to request the creation of a specific tutorial on a given topic, targeted at a certain audience and incorporating a particular request.

Content Summary Creator

This prompt helps in generating a succinct summary of a specified length for a piece of content (an article, video, or podcast) on a particular topic.

Course Curriculum Construction Assistance

This prompt is a request for assistance in constructing a course curriculum. It requires the creation of a specified number of lesson goals and appropriate educational materials for a broad spectrum of learners, including those with special learning needs or disabilities.

Course Evaluation Request

This prompt is used to request grading of quizzes, tests, or exams for a specific subject currently being taught.

Course Recommendations

This prompt is used to ask for recommendations of courses or programs in a specific field of interest, considering the mode of delivery and cost.

Craft Emphasized Topic Tutorial

This prompt is used to request the creation of a tutorial that emphasizes a particular aspect of a given topic, specifically tailored for a certain audience.

Crafting a Student Evaluation

This prompt is used to request the creation of a detailed evaluation for a student, focusing on a specific trait in a particular subject. It requires relevant information about the student to complete the evaluation.

Creating a Customized Learning Plan

This prompt helps in generating a step-by-step approach to develop a customized learning plan for a specific individual, focusing on their unique abilities and areas of improvement in a specific subject.

Creating a Mixed Learning Program

This prompt asks for guidance on the best approaches to develop a blended learning program that combines various learning modes, activities, and technology tools. It also questions how such a program can be made accessible and engaging for a specific audience.

Creating a Quiz or Assessment

This prompt is used to generate a quiz or an assessment on a specific topic, with a certain number of questions of varying difficulty, aimed at teaching critical skills to a student or a class.

Creating Course Materials

This prompt aids in creating course materials that fulfill a certain educational standard and appeal to a specific audience. It also generates a specified number of concepts for lessons and activities.

Custom Learning Strategies and Resources Recommendation

This prompt is used to seek advice on effective learning strategies for a specific target audience, focusing on a particular topic or area of interest. It also asks for recommendations on the most useful learning materials and platforms.

Custom Study Methods Recommendation

This prompt is used to request recommendations for personalized study methods for a specific subject that align with the user's learning style.

Data Analytics and Feedback in Learning Programs

This prompt asks for advice on how to use data analytics and feedback systems to measure the effectiveness of learning programs. It also requests suggestions for metrics, analytics tools, and feedback systems that could be helpful.

Data Visualization Construction Guide

This prompt guides users on how to construct a data visualization tool (list, comparison chart, or graph) for a particular topic using data from a specific textbook.

Designing a Customizable Training Program

This prompt is designed to generate suggestions for building a comprehensive and engaging training program tailored for a specific group of students. It seeks recommendations for appropriate learning activities, assessment methods, and technology tools that would enhance the program.

Designing a Customized Lesson Plan or Activity

This prompt is used to generate a highly customized lesson plan or activity based on a specific topic, student's learning style, and additional resources to enhance engagement and effectiveness.

Detailed Student Evaluation

This prompt is used to generate a detailed evaluation of a student's assignment or test. The evaluation focuses particularly on specific criteria and includes both positive remarks and areas in need of improvement.

Detailed Tutorial Request

This prompt is used to request a tutorial on a specified topic with additional details provided. The tutorial should also be tailored in a certain way (as described by the adjective) to suit a specified target audience.

Develop Aspect-Covered Tutorial

This prompt is used to request the development of a tutorial on a particular topic, covering a specific aspect, and suitable for a certain target audience.

EdTech Solutions Recommendation

This prompt is used to obtain suggestions for educational technology solutions that can be used by a specific type of students within a specific industry to increase efficiency in a particular department or area.

Education Resource Creation

This prompt is used to request for the creation of a specific educational resource that matches a certain theme and is appropriate for a specified grade level, while adhering to certain instructions.

Educational Resource Creation Request

This prompt is used to request the assistant to create a specific type of educational resource on a specific theme that is adapted to a certain learning style.

Educational Video Script Creation

This prompt is used to generate a concise and engaging script on a specified topic for an educational video. It also considers the desired length of the script.

Educational Work Assessment

This prompt is for providing an evaluation of the user's work in a specific educational theme, with feedback on their understanding of a certain topic, and suggestions for improvement.

Efficient Study Methods Request

This prompt is used when seeking advice on efficient study methods for a specific individual who is trying to achieve a certain goal but also has other activities to manage.

Essay Assessment and Analysis

This prompt is used to request an assessment and analysis of a student's essay, with suggestions for enhancement.

Evaluation Formulation for Web-Based Class

This prompt is a request for creating evaluations for a web-based class. It calls for the formulation of a specified number of assessments that cater to a diverse range of abilities and are suitable for the target audience, including individuals with varying levels of prior knowledge.