ChatGPT Prompts for Reporting

There are 75 prompt in this category

Ad Budget Efficiency Analysis

This prompt is used to analyze and identify channels where the advertising budget is being overused without providing a reasonable return on investment (ROI).

Ads Spend Data Analysis

This prompt calls for an analysis of your advertising spend data trends, broken down by channel, over a certain period of time. It also asks for recommendations on possible adjustments to your ad strategy.

Analysis of Click-Through Rates and Call-to-Action Performance

This prompt requests an understanding of the click-through rates of a specific type of email campaign for a particular product or service during a specified time frame. It also asks for information on which call-to-action button resulted in the most clicks.

Analysis of Decrease in Company's ROI

This prompt aims to examine and identify the main reasons behind a drop in a company's ROI during a specific period. It involves delivering a detailed analysis of the data and proposing a strategy for reversing this downward trend.

Analyze Advertising Expenses by Channel

This prompt requests an analysis of the company's advertising expenses for a specific month or year, broken down by channel. It asks for insights into which channels are yielding the best returns and which are underperforming.

Backlink Analysis and Boosting Search Engine Rankings

This prompt is used to guide the user towards understanding the process of performing a comprehensive backlink analysis for their website. It also helps to identify opportunities to create high-quality backlinks to improve search engine rankings for a specified keyword within a specific industry.

Campaign Performance Report Creation

This prompt is used to create a detailed performance report for a specific campaign run by a company over a set period of time. The report includes key performance indicators (KPIs) such as click-through rate, conversion rate, and cost per conversion. The report also suggests improvements based on the data analysis.

Comparative Feedback Analysis

This prompt helps to generate a comparative analysis report on the customer feedback data for a particular company over two different periods. It emphasizes on the progression of customer responses over time.

Compare Cost per Acquisition with Industry Rivals

This prompt requests a comparison of the cost per acquisition for a specific product or service at a particular company with that of its major rivals within the same industry. It also asks for a deeper analysis of the differences in acquisition costs and the potential reasons behind these disparities.

Compile Customer Feedback with Sentiment Analysis

This prompt is for requesting a list of customer feedback for a specific company, with a particular focus on a specific topic, issue or feature. The list should also include the proportion of positive, negative, and neutral reactions.

Conversion Rate Analysis

This prompt is used to request an analysis of the changes in the conversion rate for a specific product or service on a website over a given period of time, and to identify possible factors influencing these changes.

Creating a KPI Dashboard for a Specific Industry

This prompt is a request for help in identifying the most suitable key performance indicators (KPIs) for a client in a specified industry. It also involves the creation of a personalized KPI dashboard for the client's company, ensuring that it provides useful insights and is tailored to a specific target audience.

Customer Engagement Metrics Analysis

This prompt is used to request an analysis of customer engagement metrics in order to identify significant trends or patterns that could be useful for an upcoming campaign.

Customer Retention Analysis and Strategy

This prompt is designed to analyze the main reasons why customers stop using a company's product or service after a specific period. It also asks for suggestions on strategies to address these issues and improve customer retention.

Data-Driven Lead Generation Strategies

This prompt is used to request information about effective data-driven lead generation strategies used by a competitor in a specific industry, which can be implemented by another company within a certain time frame.

Departmental Performance Report

This prompt is used to request a performance report for a specific department within a company over a particular timeframe, covering key areas like productivity, project completion rates, employee satisfaction levels, revenue generated, and other significant metrics.

Email Campaign Engagement Analysis

This prompt is asking the AI to analyze the engagement rates of email campaigns over a specified time frame and identify any prevalent patterns or trends. It also requests information about the type of content that has been most effective with a specific target audience.

Email Campaign Unsubscribe Analysis

This prompt is asking the AI to provide insights into the unsubscribe rates associated with email campaigns and find out if there were any common reasons given by people for opting out of a specific campaign.

Enhancing Lead Generation and Sales

This prompt is used to ask how a company can use specific types of data to enhance lead generation and increase sales by a certain percentage within a given time frame.

Examine Cost Per Acquisition

This prompt is used to request a detailed analysis of the cost per acquisition for a specific product or service at a particular company during a given time frame. It also seeks information on the most successful marketing channel and factors influencing the cost per acquisition.

Factor Influence on Company's ROI

This prompt is for assessing how a specific factor has influenced a company's ROI during a certain timeframe. It involves providing a detailed breakdown of the data and offering strategies on how to utilize or mitigate this factor in the future.

Identifying KPIs for Ads Spend Success

This prompt asks for the key performance indicators that should be monitored to evaluate the success of your advertising spend across different channels. It also seeks guidance on how to measure the efficiency of each channel.

Improving Ads Spend for Better ROI

This prompt asks for suggestions on how to optimize your advertising spend on different platforms to achieve a higher return on investment. It also seeks advice on best practices for budget distribution.

Influencer Marketing Campaign Success Assessment

This prompt is used to assess the success of a company's recent influencer marketing campaign. The assessment includes a detailed analysis of the campaign's reach and engagement. The prompt also requires providing suggestions to enhance the campaign's effectiveness.

Key Customer Engagement Metrics to Track

This prompt is used to generate a list of key customer engagement metrics that should be monitored to evaluate customer engagement for a specific product, service, or platform of a certain company.

Key Elements Impacting Cost Per Acquisition

This prompt requests for an analysis of the key elements that impact the cost per acquisition for a specific product or service at a particular company. It also asks for research into the marketing channels that result in the highest and lowest costs per acquisition.

KPI Dashboard Setup Assistance

This prompt is asking the AI to assist in setting up a Key Performance Indicator (KPI) dashboard for a specific company in a given industry that deals in a certain product or service. The user wants to track specific KPIs and present this information in an easily understandable manner for a particular audience.

KPI Reporting Tools Recommendation

This prompt is used to request recommendations for tools or software that can aid in KPI reporting and creating bespoke dashboards tailored to a specific industry, company, target audience, data complexity and software compatibility.

Lead Generation Process Optimization

This prompt is used to ask for suggestions on how a company can optimize its lead generation process to improve a specific metric by a certain percentage within a specified time frame.

Lead Generation Tactics Recommendation

This prompt is used to request suggestions for effective strategies to generate leads for a specific company within a certain time frame. It also asks for advice on how these strategies can be adapted to fit a specific target audience in a certain geographic region.

Marketing Channel Analysis for Highest ROI

This prompt is used to analyze which marketing channels have provided the highest Return on Investment (ROI) for a specific company during a certain period. It also involves suggesting future strategies for each channel based on the analysis.

Marketing Performance Report Request

This prompt is for requesting a detailed report on a company's marketing performance over a certain period. The report should include data on website traffic, social media engagement, advertising metrics, brand recognition, and any noticeable trends or changes.

Mean Cost Per Lead Calculation

This prompt assists in calculating the mean cost per lead for a specific company within a certain time frame. It also includes an assessment of the data and suggestions for improving this particular metric.

Monthly Comprehensive Performance Report

This prompt is used to request a comprehensive performance report for a specific month at a particular company, including key metrics such as sales figures, conversion rates, customer retention, among others.

Monthly Financial Report Creation

This prompt is for generating a monthly financial report for a specific year that includes details about a company's revenue, expenses, profit margins, operational costs, and any noticeable trends or changes.

Optimal Social Media Posting Time Analysis

This prompt is used to request an analysis of the best times to post on Instagram and Twitter for a specific company, based on when their audience is most active and engaged.

Performance Analysis of a Product/Service Launch

This prompt is used to ask for detailed information about the performance of a recent product or service launch, specifically regarding customer engagement metrics during a certain time period.

Product Performance Report Creation

This prompt is for creating a performance report for a specific product over a certain period. The report should include sales figures, customer feedback, returns, and any significant changes or updates to the product.

Product/Service Retention Rate Report

This prompt is used to generate a comprehensive report on the retention rates of a specific product or service over a given time frame. The report highlights the major factors that have influenced customer loyalty or turnover.

ROI Report Development

This prompt assists in creating a Return on Investment (ROI) report for a specific company within a certain time frame. The report incorporates three Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and includes a critique of the data and suggestions to improve each area's performance.