ChatGPT Prompts for Legal

There are 150 prompt in this category

Accessibility Guideline Summary

This prompt is used to generate a summary of the necessary design components and features for an accessibility guideline for a specific website, customized to the industry sector and target audience.

Age Verification Page Code Producer

This prompt will produce the necessary HTML and JavaScript code for developing an age verification page. The page will display a specific title, include a submit button with a custom text, and convey an error message in case the user enters an invalid birthdate.

Age Verification Pop-up Code Generator

This prompt will generate a code snippet that can be added to a webpage to create an age verification pop-up. The pop-up will inform users through a message and require a minimum age to proceed.

Age Verification System Design

This prompt is about creating an age verification system that redirects users who are below a certain age to a specified URL.

Application Privacy Policy Creation

This prompt helps in creating a privacy policy for an application, detailing the data retention period, information on third-party service providers, and user rights.

Assistance in Composing a DMCA Policy

This prompt guides users in composing a DMCA policy for their specific type of website. It provides advice on copyright infringement, notice and takedown procedure, and liability limitations.

Assistance in Devising Acceptable Use Policy

This prompt seeks help in formulating an acceptable use policy for a particular type of website. It also asks for assistance in addressing a specific legal requirement, potential issue, and an additional topic in the policy.

Balanced Cease and Desist Letter

This prompt assists the user in creating a cease and desist letter that maintains a balance of firmness and professionalism. It helps address a specific situation concerning a certain individual or company, incorporating specific details and emphasizing the urgency of the matter.

Building a Transparent Cookies Policy

This prompt is designed to assist in constructing a cookies policy that reflects a company's commitment to transparency and user privacy. It guides on explaining why the company uses cookies, how they improve user experience, and the security measures in place. It also advises on outlining the types of cookies used on the site, their duration, category, and functionality. The prompt ends with a discussion on how users can adjust their cookie settings and revoke consent.

Common Clauses in Terms of Service Agreements

This prompt is designed to provide information about the common clauses that should be included in a terms of service agreement for a particular app. It also asks for examples of such clauses.

Company Statement Creation

This prompt is for creating a company statement for a specific website or online platform. The statement should incorporate the company's values or principles, and highlight its dedication towards a specific goal or objective. It should also meet specific requirements outlined by the user.

Comparative Legal Analysis

This prompt is used to request a comparative analysis of a specific law or regulation between two different jurisdictions, focusing on the similarities and differences.

Comprehensive Cookie Consent Banner

This prompt helps to create a detailed cookie consent banner that includes an accept button, a decline button, and an opt-out button. It requires the website's name, a link to the cookie policy, and the text for the accept, decline, and opt-out buttons.

Comprehensive Cookies Policy

This prompt assists in creating an exhaustive cookies policy for a website, in compliance with a specific country's data protection norms. It covers the types of cookies used, their purpose, lifespan, third-party cookies, user consent, and instructions on disabling or erasing cookies.

Confidentiality Statement for Staff Manual

This prompt aids in creating a confidentiality statement for an organization's staff manual, focusing on personal information, security, and access and correction details.

Constructing a Customized User-Generated Content Policy

This prompt aids in constructing a customized user-generated content policy for a specific website. The policy includes detailed guidelines for content types, acceptable and prohibited content, moderation, liability, and any other important considerations.

Contract Creation

This prompt is used to request the creation of a contract for a specific client or project. It asks for the inclusion of specific terms and conditions, along with required legal clauses. Clarity in the document is emphasized.

Contract Evaluation and Clarification Request

This prompt asks ChatGPT to evaluate a contract for a specific project, provide an overview of the main terms and obligations for a specific party, and point out any sections that may need clarification or modification.

Contract Examination and Modification Recommendation

This prompt directs ChatGPT to scrutinize a service or sale agreement, highlight any clauses related to a specific area that may need more attention, and suggest changes that align better with the user's needs and expectations.

Contract Review and Modification Suggestions

This prompt requests ChatGPT to review a contract for a specific client or company, identify any potential issues related to a particular topic, and suggest changes to improve security on the matter.

Contract Review Request for Product

This prompt is used to request a detailed review of a contract related to a specific product. The purpose of the review is to identify any risks or issues related to a specific feature or aspect of the product. The request also includes the expectation for suggestions on changes or enhancements to address the identified issues.

Cookie Consent Banner Creation

This prompt requests assistance in creating a cookie consent banner for a website. The banner should prominently display the company name, provide a link to the cookie policy, and include an accept button with specific text.

Cookie Consent Banner Template

This prompt assists in generating a customizable cookie consent banner template for a given website. The banner incorporates the website's name, a link to the cookie policy, and customizable text for the decline button.

Cookie Consent Banner with Opt-Out Option

This prompt aids in creating a cookie consent banner that includes an opt-out option. It requires the company name, a link to the cookie policy, opt-out button text, and an opt-out link.

Copyright Legal Disclaimer Creation

This prompt is used to request assistance in creating a legal disclaimer for a company that specifies or prohibits the use or reproduction of copyrighted or trademarked material. The disclaimer should also include or omit specific liabilities or indemnification clauses or statements.

Copyright Notice Creation

This prompt is used when you need a copyright notice for a website. The AI will create a copyright notice including the website name, URL, the owner of the copyright, the year of creation, and any other pertinent details.

Copyright Notice Generator

This prompt assists in generating a comprehensive copyright notice for a website. It includes important details such as the website name, URL, the year it was created, the copyright owner, and any additional required data.

Crafting a Liability Disclaimer for a Specific Company

This prompt requests the creation of a liability disclaimer for a specific company or website, addressing a list of potential risks and including a segment on a specific jurisdiction. The language of the disclaimer should be straightforward and succinct.

Crafting a User-Generated Content Policy

This prompt is designed to help in creating a detailed user-generated content policy for a specified website. The policy covers various aspects including the types of content, acceptable and prohibited content, moderation, liability, and any other important considerations.

Crafting a Website Disclaimer of Liability

This prompt is used to request help in creating a comprehensive website disclaimer of liability for a specific website or company. It also seeks advice on including provisions for specific types of risks and strategies to maintain the disclaimer's legal validity.

Crafting Industry-Specific Acceptable Use Policy

This prompt is used when the user needs help in crafting an acceptable use policy for a website in a specific industry. The assistant helps secure compliance with legal requirements and industry standards, and addresses additional topics.

Create a Unique Refund Policy

This prompt is used to request the creation of a unique refund policy for a new website. It includes the development of a policy that has a special offer or deal, outlines exclusions, and offers a specific guarantee. The goal is to ensure customer satisfaction and uphold the website's reputation.

Creating a Comprehensive Website Trademark Policy

This prompt is used to request assistance in creating a website trademark policy, including various types of trademarks like company logos and slogans. It also includes a request for information about the legal description of a trademark, its benefits, and the penalties for infringement.

Creating a User-friendly Cookies Policy

This prompt assists in crafting a user-friendly cookies policy for a specific website. It encourages the use of plain language to explain the types of cookies, their functions, and the data they collect. It also suggests including a table detailing the specific cookies used on the site and their purposes. The prompt concludes with instructions on how users can refuse and delete cookies from their browser.

Customer-Centric Refund Policy Request

This prompt is used to request the drafting of a refund policy that meets certain conditions and abides by specific laws or regulations. The policy should ensure customer satisfaction or retention while also protecting the business.

Customizable Age Verification Template Development

This prompt is about developing a customizable age verification template that can be embedded in any website. The template allows for customization of the message content, the minimum age, and the style of the pop-up.

Customizable Cease and Desist Letter

This prompt assists the user in creating a customizable cease and desist letter that can be modified according to their requirements. The letter addresses a specific individual or company regarding a particular issue, with a clear and concise message. It also includes any additional information as requested by the user.

Data Protection Policy Crafting

This prompt helps in creating a detailed data protection policy for a specific website that processes sensitive data. The policy will align with the applicable laws and industry standards, ensuring data's confidentiality, integrity, and availability. It also provides strategies for handling data breaches and user requests.

Data Protection Policy Formulation

This prompt is about creating a comprehensive data protection policy for a website. The policy focuses on the types of data collected from users and must comply with applicable laws and regulations. It should also have procedures for handling data breaches and user complaints.

Designing a Detailed User-Generated Content Policy

This prompt assists in designing a comprehensive user-generated content policy for a specific website. It covers key areas such as the types of content, acceptable and prohibited content, moderation, liability, and offers additional guidance where needed.

Designing Document

This prompt is used to request the design of a specific type of document for a particular purpose, which must include five pieces of required information.

Detailed Refund Policy Request

This prompt is used to request the creation of a detailed refund policy that covers all possible situations for a specific product or service. The policy should define the duration for returns, the restocking fee, the return shipping policy, the cancellation policy, and the refund process.

Develop a Brand-specific Refund Policy

This prompt is used to request the development of a refund policy for a niche website that reflects the brand's ethos. The policy should be distinct, inclusive, and transparent, in order to reflect the brand's spirit and appeal to its intended audience.