ChatGPT Prompts for Customer Service

There are 42 prompt in this category

Account Recovery Assistance

This prompt provides a detailed guidance to customer support agents on how to assist a specific customer in recovering their account or resetting their password, including necessary verification methods or security questions.

Assistance in Addressing a Customer Query

This prompt requests ChatGPT to help in addressing a customer's query about a specific issue. The customer is also curious about several related topics. The prompt asks for an in-depth and precise reply that tackles these issues.

Assistance in Developing a Targeted Support Article

This prompt is used to request assistance in developing a support article for a specific topic, intended for a specific audience. The article should include required information and applicable details or examples.

Assisting in Addressing Customer Queries

This prompt is used when you need assistance from ChatGPT to address a customer's query regarding a specific issue related to a specific product or service. The aim is to provide a comprehensive and informative response in a simple, concise manner.

ChatGPT Customer Testimonial Emphasizing Specific Features

This prompt is used to generate a customer testimonial for a product or service using ChatGPT. The testimonial focuses on a specific feature or benefit of the product/service and how it's advantageous for a particular target audience.

Competitive Customer Satisfaction Report

This task involves producing a report that compares customer satisfaction levels for a specific product or service with that of primary competitors. The report should include both quantitative and qualitative data, sentiment analysis, a focus on specific aspects of the product or service, customer segmentation, and identification of opportunities or threats from the data.

Composing a Customer Response

This prompt is used when you need ChatGPT's help to compose a response to a customer's inquiry about a specific product or service, particularly regarding its features. The goal is to provide correct and precise information communicated clearly and effectively.

Comprehensive Client Feedback Analysis Report

This prompt instructs ChatGPT to create a detailed report that summarizes and analyzes customer feedback for a specific product or service. The feedback is collected from various platforms such as social media, email, and surveys. The report includes sentiment analysis or feedback categorization, quantitative data like response count or customer ratings, information about specific customer segments or demographics, and key themes or issues highlighted in the feedback.

Consumer Feedback Analysis Report

This task involves creating an in-depth report based on customer feedback about a specific aspect of the business. The report should include a comparison with competitors, sentiment analysis, relevant numerical data, customer segmentation, and identification of common themes or issues.

Customer Assistance Content Request

This prompt is used to request the creation of informational content aimed at assisting customers who are struggling with a specific task. The content should include suggestions and best practices for a specific action, and must incorporate certain details or requirements.

Customer Feedback Survey Creation Request on Product/Service Adjustment

This prompt asks ChatGPT to help create a questionnaire to gather customer feedback about a recent change in a product or service. The feedback aims to understand the effect of the change on a specific area, general customer satisfaction, and their likelihood to continue using the product or service.

Customer Purchasing Behavior Survey Creation Request

This prompt asks ChatGPT to assist in creating a survey to understand customers' purchasing behaviors and preferences on specific topics. It also seeks to learn about their overall satisfaction with a product or service and whether they would recommend it to others.

Customer Review for a Product/Service

This prompt is used to generate a detailed customer review for a specific product or service, focusing on a certain feature or benefit and its role in achieving a specific outcome. It also highlights an additional benefit or feature.

Customer Satisfaction and Endorsement Report

This task involves creating a detailed report on customer satisfaction and their likelihood of recommending a specific product or service. The report should identify recurring themes, issues, potential improvements, relevant numerical data, customer segmentation, and trends or patterns in the feedback.

Customer Satisfaction Report Creation

This prompt requests the creation of a customer satisfaction report based on feedback received during a specific period. The report should include various types of analysis and data, and focus on specific aspects of a product or service.

Customer Support Issue Resolution

This prompt is designed to assist customer support agents in resolving various types of customer issues. It provides comprehensive steps and mentions any related error codes or messages that may show up.

Designing a Customer Feedback Survey

This prompt aids in creating a feedback survey for a product or service with a focus on a specific area and topic to gauge customer satisfaction and gather improvement suggestions.

Generating a Detailed Consumer Feedback Survey

This prompt assists in creating a comprehensive consumer feedback survey for a product or service, focusing on detailed questions about specific areas, gauging overall customer satisfaction, and gathering potential recommendations.

Handling Specific Customer Complaints

This prompt is used to seek advice on addressing a specific customer complaint. It requests a detailed approach, including suggested words or phrases, tailored to the customer's characteristics.

Improving Customer Complaint Handling Skills

This prompt is designed to receive recommendations for enhancing complaint handling skills in a specific area. It takes into account the user's level of experience and the context of their business or industry.

Modifying Account Details

This prompt is used to ask for a detailed or step-by-step procedure to change specific information or details of a customer's account, such as billing address, contact information, or payment method.

New Merchandise Article Request

This prompt is used to request articles that describe and explain the features of a new product, including specific information and any tips or tricks that are relevant to these features.

Potential Feature Feedback Survey Creation Request

This prompt requests ChatGPT to create a survey to gather customer opinions about a potential feature for a product or service. It aims to understand the perceived benefits of the feature in a specific context, overall customer satisfaction, and their likelihood to continue using the product or service.

Product Feature Utilization

This prompt is used when a user wants to utilize a specific feature of a product to address a certain need. The assistant will provide recommendations on the best way to use the specified feature with the given product.

Product Integration Assistance

This prompt is used when a user needs help integrating a newly acquired product with a third-party software. The assistant will guide the user through the required steps for the integration.

Product or Service Update Article Request

This prompt is used to request updated articles for a specific product or service, reflecting new amendments. The articles should provide the latest information on certain topics and include any warnings or precautions that customers need to be aware of.

Product Return or Exchange Assistance

This prompt is used when a user needs help returning or exchanging a product that they purchased on a specific date due to a certain reason. The assistant will guide the user through the return or exchange procedure.

Product Troubleshooting Request

This prompt is a request for help in troubleshooting a specific issue with a product. It specifies the product and the particular problem the user is experiencing.

Replying to a Customer Inquiry

This prompt is used when you need help from ChatGPT to reply to a customer's inquiry about a specific issue associated with a specific product or service. You aim to deliver a comprehensive response that aligns with your company's mission and values.

Resolving Access Issues

This prompt is used to ask for specific or step-by-step procedures to resolve issues where a customer is struggling to access a particular feature or functionality in their account.

Skeptic's Journey to Satisfaction Testimonial

This prompt is designed to create a customer testimonial that tells the story of a skeptic's journey from having initial doubts about a product or service to being impressed with the results. It includes specifics about the factors or people that persuaded them to try it and their response when it exceeded their expectations.

Subscription Termination Guidance

This prompt is intended to guide the user through the detailed procedures required to terminate a specific customer's subscription, and provides information about any associated refund rules or possible penalties.

Supplying Account Summary

This prompt is used to request a comprehensive summary of a customer's account activity or usage over a specified period (month, quarter, or year).

Support Article Creation for Specific Issue

This prompt is used to request the creation of a support article that addresses common questions about a specific issue. The article should include a related topic and detailed instructions on how to perform a specific action.

Troubleshooting Account Access Issues

This prompt seeks to obtain detailed instructions on how to unlock a customer's account and prevent future lockouts, while adhering to security protocols.

Troubleshooting Assistance for a Client's Issue

This prompt requests ChatGPT to provide help in troubleshooting a client's specific issue with a product or service. The client has already tried to fix it with a specific action but was unsuccessful. The prompt asks for a list of potential reasons for the issue and approaches to address it effectively.

Understanding Customer Complaints with ChatGPT

This prompt seeks suggestions for using ChatGPT to gain deeper insights into customer complaints and to offer personalized solutions based on customers' demographic or psychographic characteristics.