ChatGPT Prompts for Finance

There are 74 prompt in this category

Asset Class Analysis

This prompt is used to request an analysis of a specific asset class. The analysis will cover potential profits and risks associated with investing in this class of assets.

Budget Planning Advice

This prompt is used to give advice on how a company or an individual should create a budget considering their monthly income and various expenses.

Budget Planning Assistant

This prompt assists the user in planning a budget for a specific timeframe by analyzing past spending trends and providing recommendations for allocation across various categories.

Business Expenditure Analysis

This prompt is used to request an in-depth analysis of the expenditure habits of a specific type of business over a given timeframe. The assistant will identify key spending areas and suggest ways to reduce costs.

Business-Specific Investment Advice

This prompt is designed to generate tailored investment advice for a specific business operating within a certain industry. The AI will consider the business's work area, specific industry, investment goal, and the amount available for investment to provide the best investment options.

Company Expense Tracker

This prompt helps the user in obtaining information about the outflow of funds for a specific company in a particular category for a given quarter or year.

Company Tax Optimization Strategies

This prompt is aimed at generating ideas for tax optimization strategies that a company can employ to fully utilize their tax deductions and credits in the current fiscal year.

Comparing Financial Statement Tools

This prompt is used to request a comparison of different tools or software that can be used to create financial statements on a monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis. It also asks for a description of the pros and cons for each tool or software.

Comprehensive Expense Report Request

In this prompt, the user is asking the assistant to generate a detailed expense report for a particular company over a given time period. The report should include expenses from four different categories, with each expense listing the date and buyer. The user also specifies additional information that should be included in the report.

Cost Reduction Strategies

This prompt asks the AI to provide advice on reducing the costs of a specific product or service for a given company.

Creating a Monthly Expense Report

This prompt is used to request the creation of a monthly expense report for a specific company, for a specific month and year, covering all expenses related to certain categories. It also asks for the necessary data for this report.

Creation of Financial Forecast

This prompt asks for advice on what data points to include and the most effective tools to use when creating a financial forecast for the coming months or years for a specific company.

Credit Card Spending Analysis

This prompt is used to request a thorough analysis of the user's credit card statements from a specific month and year. The assistant will provide useful insights into the user's spending behavior.

Debt Management and Repayment Plan

This prompt is designed to assist in providing methods or strategies to manage a specific amount of debt and to develop a feasible repayment plan. It's useful for both individuals and companies.

Determining and Maximizing ROI for a Project

This prompt is designed to assist in determining the Return on Investment (ROI) for a specific project within a work area, taking into account the development cost. It also seeks suggestions on how to maximize the ROI. It's ideal for project managers or business owners looking for insights and advice on improving their project's ROI.

Evaluating and Enhancing ROI for Advertising Campaigns

This prompt is designed to help evaluate and enhance the Return on Investment (ROI) for a specific work area within a company, considering a recent advertising campaign. It's ideal for marketing professionals or business owners looking for insights and suggestions on improving their advertising ROI.

Expenditure Analysis

This prompt asks the AI to analyze your expenditure in a specific category over a certain period of time and suggest areas for cost reduction.

Expenditure Habits Summary

This prompt is used to request a detailed summary of the user's expenditure habits for a specific time interval. The assistant will provide information on significant costs and identify any noticeable spending trends.

Expense Forecast Inquiry

This prompt is used to ask for a prediction of future expenses for a certain period (quarter or year) based on past spending trends.

Expense Reduction and Savings Boost Strategy

This prompt is used to get suggestions on steps that a work area or individual can take to reduce a specific expense and increase their savings, thereby improving their financial health.

Expense Reduction Strategies

This prompt helps the user to get strategies and methods for reducing specific expenses in a given month or year.

Expense Reduction Tactics

This prompt is used to propose tactics that a company or an individual could use to reduce their expenses without affecting their current productivity levels.

Expense Report Generation

This prompt is used to generate a comprehensive expense report for a specific company over a specified time period. It covers details about different categories of expenses, highlights instances where the budget for each category is exceeded, and suggests potential cost-cutting measures.

Expense Report Preparation

This prompt requests the assistant to prepare an expense report for a specific company, covering a specified time period and including expenses from three different categories. The user also wants certain information to be included in the report.

Expense Summary Assistant

This prompt helps the user in getting a detailed summary of their expenses for a specific month or year.

Financial Data Collection And Display

This prompt is used to guide on how to gather financial data for a specific company from a particular department on a monthly, quarterly, or yearly basis and display it in a graph, table, or report format.

Financial Goal Management

This prompt is designed to provide possible ways to either increase or reduce a specific financial goal for an individual or a company.

Financial Metrics for Specific Work Areas

This prompt is used to generate a discussion on the important financial metrics that companies in a specific work area should focus on when setting their financial goals. It also provides strategies for improving these metrics.

Financial Planning Strategies

This prompt is used to recommend financial planning strategies that a company or an individual can apply to effectively manage their finances and achieve their financial goals.

Financial Records Assessment

This prompt is used to inquire about the ability of ChatGPT to perform a detailed analysis of a particular work area or individual's financial records to identify potential improvements or opportunities in a specific area.

Financial Risks and Opportunities Analysis

This prompt is used to ask about the risks and opportunities that should be considered in a specific work area or individual's financial portfolio, given a particular event or change.

Financial Stress Reduction Tips

This prompt is used to request a specific number of practical tips to alleviate financial stress for an individual or a company.

Finding Financial Statement Experts

This prompt is used to ask for information about who can produce a financial statement for a specific field of work and how to ensure the accuracy and completeness of the report.

Guidance for Collecting and Consolidating Sales Data

This prompt asks for advice on collecting specific financial figures related to a product's sales in a particular region and how to consolidate this data into a visual or documented format for a certain type of analysis.

Individual Tax Planning Strategies

This prompt is designed to generate suggestions for tax planning strategies based on an individual's annual income, investment portfolio, and filing status.

Investment Growth Strategies

This prompt asks the AI to provide strategies on how to increase your savings or investments over a specified period of time.

Investment Options Recommendation

This prompt is used to request for investment options recommendations that meet a specific qualifier, align with a certain financial goal, and match a given risk tolerance.

Investment Plan Suggestion

This prompt is used to request a suitable investment plan based on the user's investor profile and specific investment goals.

Investment Prospects Query

This prompt is used to request investment options that have a specific feature, align with a certain financial goal, and match a given risk tolerance.