ChatGPT Prompts for Financial Management

There are 84 prompt in this category

Acknowledgment and Deadline Extension Message

This prompt is used to generate a message for a client acknowledging their partial payment towards an invoice. The message appreciates their effort and provides a new deadline for clearing the remaining sum, including details about any possible interest or late charges.

Anticipated Expenses Breakdown

This prompt requests a detailed breakdown of the anticipated expenses for a specified company in a particular year. It also asks for an explanation of any factors that could influence these projected costs.

Automating Tasks with ChatGPT

This prompt is used to inquire if ChatGPT can help automate a specific task for a particular category of invoices. The user specifies the task, the category, the number of invoices, and gives an example.

Bank Account Balancing Assistance

This prompt is used when seeking advice or strategies on how to efficiently balance a bank account for a specific year at a given company with a large number of transactions in a particular bank.

Bank Account Reconciliation Assistance

This prompt is used to request assistance with the reconciliation of a bank account for a specific year at a given company. It also asks for a report of all outstanding transactions in a specified bank.

Bank Statement and Accounting System Reconciliation

This prompt is used to request help in rectifying discrepancies between a bank statement and an accounting system for a specified quarter at a given company. It aims to identify the transactions responsible for the discrepancy.

Budget Management Assistance Request

This prompt is used when a user needs help tracking and managing their budget for a specific project, trip, or client, and requires a summary of their expenditures.

Budget Planning Assistance Request

This prompt is used to ask the AI to assist in budget planning by conducting a detailed assessment of expenses and providing recommendations on where to cut costs or increase revenue.

Budget Reduction Advice Request

This prompt is used when a user is seeking advice on how to reduce their spending in a specific category by a certain amount.

Cash Flow Performance Review

This prompt is used to request a review of a company's cash flow performance over a specific time period, with a particular interest in understanding the trends in revenue, expenses, or cash flow from operations.

Cash Flow Statement Analysis

This prompt is used to request help in analyzing a company's cash flow statement for a specific time period, with the aim of identifying areas where cash flow can be improved.

ChatGPT Assistance for Specific Tasks

This prompt is used to inquire about how ChatGPT can assist with a specific task related to a particular aspect. The user specifies the task, the specific aspect, and an example of the specific aspect.

ChatGPT Assistance in Vendor-Specific Tasks

This prompt is about seeking ChatGPT's help in carrying out a specific task for a particular set of vendors, with a focus on a specific aspect for a certain number of leading vendors.

ChatGPT Support in Bank Account Rectification

This prompt is about asking ChatGPT's support in rectifying a bank account for a certain month at a specific company. It involves ensuring that all transactions on a bank statement match the records in a given accounting system.

Company Financial Report Compilation

This prompt is for requesting assistance in compiling a financial report for a specific company. It includes examining past revenue or expenses and forming predictions for the next specific time period.

Company Financial Status Inquiry

This prompt is used to request information about the current financial status of a specific company. It requires a summary of specific data points for a given time period and an analysis of any trends or possible concerns.

Company Revenue Projection

This prompt is used to request a revenue projection for a specific company over a certain time frame, taking into account historical sales data, market trends, and other significant factors that could impact revenue growth.

Company's Competitive Financial Analysis

This prompt is used to request a comparison of a company's financial performance, based on a specific financial metric, with that of its competitors. It also requests a competitive analysis between the company and its three main competitors.

Company's Expenses Analysis

This prompt is used to request a comprehensive breakdown of a company's significant expenses over a specific time period and an explanation of how these expenses have changed over time.

Company's Revenue Decomposition

This prompt is used to request a detailed breakdown of a company's revenue by product or service category over a specific time period. It should include the total revenue and the percentage of revenue corresponding to each category.

Comparison of Current and Original Budget

This prompt is used to request a comparison between the current budget status of a specific project and the original budget. It also asks for a brief on any budget revisions and reasons for any major discrepancies from the initial plan.

Cost-Reduction Strategies

This prompt is used to generate a response that suggests cost-reduction strategies for a specific company without compromising the quality and performance of its products or services.

Creating a Financial Report

This prompt is designed to assist users in creating a comprehensive financial report for a given company or business. It helps identify essential financial measures to include in the report and provides guidance on how to structure and organize the data.

Creating a Payment Plan

This prompt is used to seek assistance in developing a payment plan for a specific client. It requires input of client name, timeframe, number of installments, and amount per installment to outline the desired payment structure.

Designing Payment Conditions for a Specific Business Type

This prompt is used to request assistance in designing payment conditions that match a particular type of business agency's budget and financial targets. It also seeks recommendations on the appropriate wording and payment layouts that would be most beneficial to the business.

Detailed Breakdown and Projection of Expenses

This prompt is used to request a comprehensive analysis of the current expenses for a specific category or department and a forecast of the spending for the remaining part of the project.

Detailed Budget Assessment Request

This prompt is a polite request for a comprehensive budget assessment report for a specific company, covering a specific timeframe, and including certain financial metrics. It also asks for future predictions for another timeframe.

Expenditures Documentation and Report Crafting

This prompt helps in documenting either business or personal expenditures over a specific time period and grouping them by category, cost center, or client. It also assists in crafting a report based on these data.

Expense Verification

This prompt is used to request assistance in comparing and cross-verifying expenses with bank or credit card statements over a specified time period.

Financial Improvement Suggestions

This prompt requests insight into improving the fiscal success of a specific company. It involves providing an analysis of the company's cash flow, profitability, or return on investment for a specified prior period. In addition, it asks for proposals on areas where costs could be cut and revenue or profit could be boosted.

Financial Overview Request

This prompt is used when a user wants a summary of their spending for a particular month or year, including any unusual spending habits or changes.

Financial Performance Analysis

This prompt requests a comprehensive analysis of the key elements that influence a company's financial performance, focusing on its profitability. It also requires an assessment of the company's revenue and expense trends during a specified time period.

Financial Risks and Opportunities Assessment

This prompt asks for an evaluation of potential financial risks and opportunities that could significantly affect a specified company. It emphasizes the need to assess risks like economic downturns or regulatory changes, and also to identify opportunities for growth and expansion.

Forecasting Company's Cash Flow

This prompt is intended to help predict a company's cash flow for a specified time period. It also seeks to understand how planned investments, capital expenditures, or financing activities will impact the company's cash reserves.

Form Assistance and Deadline Inquiry

This prompt is used to inquire about how ChatGPT can assist in filling out two specific forms for a particular company, and to request the due dates for these forms.

Guidance on Amending Tax Return

This prompt is used to inquire about the process of submitting an amended tax return and whether ChatGPT can assist in doing so for a specific company.

Guide for Refund Process

This prompt is used when you need guidance on how to process a refund for a customer. It includes the refund amount, customer's name, product name, purchase date, and the reason for the refund.

Handling Customer Item Swap and Refund

This prompt assists in guiding how to refund an original item a customer wants to swap for a same-priced new item that is currently unavailable. It also helps manage the purchase of the new item once it becomes available.

Handling Damaged Item Refund and Return

This prompt aids in determining a suitable refund amount for a customer who received a damaged item, considering the extent of the damage. It also helps facilitate the return process for the item.

Improving Cash Flow and Managing Working Capital

This prompt is used to generate methods and advice on how to make a company's cash flow cycle more efficient and better manage working capital. It also seeks advice on reducing inventory holding period, accounts receivable days, or accounts payable days.

Investment Analysis Request

This prompt is used to ask the AI to conduct a thorough review of a company or product's financial figures and project potential returns or profits based on given data points.