ChatGPT Prompts for Knowledge Management

There are 24 prompt in this category

Company Policy Document Formulation

This prompt is used to create a policy document outlining the expected behaviors of employees, contractors, or vendors on company premises or property. It includes rules on specific activities and access to certain areas.

Compilation of Learning Handbook

This prompt is used to request the creation of a learning handbook that provides detailed instructions on how to use the company's software, with the help of visual aids and problem-solving advice.

Construction of Employee Reference Book

This prompt is used to request the creation of an employee reference book that includes the organization's rules, benefits, and standards, specifically designed for new hires.

Corporate Protocol for Employee Complaints Guideline Draft

This prompt is used to ask the AI to draft a policy guideline that details the corporate protocol for handling employee complaints, grievances or whistleblower reports. It also includes the procedure for filing a complaint, raising an issue, or investigating an accusation, along with the measures to address the problem, guard against retaliation, or relay the result.

Creating a Detailed Guide Article

This prompt is intended to request the production of a detailed guide article on a certain topic. The article should include step-by-step instructions, checklists, or tips for a certain task, process, or activity and should be supplemented with visual aids, diagrams, or illustrations.

Creation of Welcoming Guide

This prompt is used to request the creation of a welcoming guide that provides an overview of a company's objectives, principles, and its range of products or services.

Customer Support Training Video Scripting

This prompt is used to create a script for a customer support training video. It focuses on a specific product or service and provides techniques to manage challenging customers in difficult scenarios. It also includes examples and specific training topics.

Data Protection/Information Security Policy Document Creation

This prompt is used to generate a comprehensive policy document that reflects the company's stance on data protection and information security. It includes the formulation of rules on data handling, access management, and security controls, along with methodologies for data retention, destruction policies, and data breach response plans.

Detailed Internal Knowledge Base Article Production

This prompt helps the AI to create a comprehensive internal knowledge base article on a specific topic. The article should detail and distinguish two or more concepts/theories/approaches related to the topic. It should also include potential benefits/risks/limitations/impacts of each approach and case studies/examples that demonstrate their effectiveness.

Drafting Knowledge Base Article

This prompt is used to request the drafting of an internal knowledge base article on a specific topic, from a certain perspective or angle. The article should contain key points, facts, or figures and should include relevant examples or case studies.

Efficient Safety Protocols for Industries

This prompt is used to ask for a detailed explanation about the most efficient safety protocols for a specific industry. It takes into account various regulations and hazards.

Enhancing Safety with Best Practices

This prompt is used to ask the AI to explain how the safety of a specific activity in a certain environment can be enhanced by applying three best practices, each with their own details.

Expense Management Policy Document Framework

This prompt is used to create a framework for a policy document that outlines procedures for operating and approving, reviewing, or processing expense reports, travel requests, and purchase orders. It includes guidelines for reimbursable expenses, budgetary limits, approval authority, and the necessary documentation, receipts, and approval forms.

FAQ List Creation

This prompt is used to request the creation of a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for a specific product or service. It focuses on common issues and provides detailed information and resources to address these issues.

In-house Knowledge Base Article Creation

This prompt guides the AI to create a knowledge base article on a specific subject. The article includes anecdotes/personal experiences/historical context, statistics/data/research findings, and quotes/expert opinions/citations from relevant industry leaders/scholars/experts.

Legal Document Creation for Business/Organization

This prompt enables the AI to draft a legal document that outlines the specific terms and conditions of a business or organization. The document should also include specific clauses related to certain themes.

Modifying Safety Procedures for Activities

This prompt is used to ask how the safety procedures for a specific activity can be modified in consideration of the environment, potential hazards, standards, and safety goals.

Product or Service Guide Creation

This prompt is used to request the creation of a detailed guide for a specific product or service. It highlights the key features, benefits, and usage examples of the product or service.

Product/Service Support Guide Compilation

This prompt is used to create a comprehensive guide for dealing with customer questions about a specific product or service. It includes common mistakes, problem-solving tactics, tips, and success stories as case studies.

Safety Protocols for Specific Activities

This prompt is used to ask the AI to describe the primary safety protocols for a specific activity within a specific environment. It takes into account three potential hazards, each with their own details.

Security Events Response Policy Drafting

This prompt is used to draft a policy manuscript outlining the process to be followed in case of security events at the workplace. It includes the appropriate escalation procedures, notification process, chain of command, incident response protocols, remediation actions, and communication plan.

Simplifying Complex Topics for Non-Experts

This prompt is used to request the creation of an internal knowledge base article that simplifies a complex or technical topic for non-experts, stakeholders, or a general audience. The article should include real-life examples, industry best practices, limitations, or challenges related to the topic.

Troubleshooting Manual Creation

This prompt is used to request the creation of a comprehensive troubleshooting manual for a specific product or service. It addresses common issues and provides solutions to these problems.