ChatGPT Prompts for IT

There are 57 prompt in this category

API Creation Request for a Project

This prompt is used to request help with creating an API for a specific project. It includes information about the functionality the API should have and the other platform it should integrate with.

API Development Assistance

This prompt is for requesting assistance in developing an API. The API should pull data from a certain source, process it into a specified output using a certain programming language, and be easily deployable on a specific cloud platform.

API Development Assistance Request for a Company

This prompt is used to request assistance in the development of an API for a specific company. It includes details about the user's action that the API should accommodate and the expected data format for the output.

API Development Request

This prompt is a request for a virtual assistant that can develop a secure and scalable API to link a source to a destination. It asks if the assistant would be able to help with this task.

Assisting in Crafting Release Notes

This prompt is for helping to craft release notes for a specific application version. It includes detailing all new features, enhancements, known issues, and bug fixes.

Assisting in Creating a Git Commit Message

This prompt is designed to generate a suitable Git commit message based on specific actions taken on a file in a particular branch. The aim is to create a message that accurately reflects the changes made.

Building AWS CloudFormation Template

This prompt is asking for assistance in creating a CloudFormation template to automate the setup of an AWS environment for a specific service. It also focuses on configuring a certain function within the service to ensure a secure and stable environment.

Cloud Formation Template Generation for VPC

This prompt is used when the user needs assistance in generating a Cloud Formation template for a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) with a specific number of subnets and an internet gateway. The template should also include configurations for security groups and network ACLs to manage inbound and outbound traffic.

CloudFormation Template for AWS Resource Setup

This prompt is used when the user needs to set up a specific AWS resource such as an API Gateway, Lambda function, SQS queue, SNS topic, or CloudWatch log group using CloudFormation. The template should establish the necessary resources and modify specific settings to ensure the security and reliability of the setup.

CloudFormation Template for AWS Service Transition

This prompt is used when the user is planning to transition their service to AWS and needs a CloudFormation template to set up the required environment. The template should be able to arrange instances such as EC2, ELB, S3, DynamoDB, and RDS, as well as set up security groups, VPCs, and load balancers.

Code Snippet Request

This prompt is used to request a code snippet for a specific functionality in a specific programming language, intended for incorporation into documents.

Compiling a Troubleshooting Manual

This prompt is used to describe an issue and requests assistance in compiling a troubleshooting manual for a software or app that's frequently crashing. It also specifies the number of key troubleshooting steps to be included.

Compose a Succinct Code Explanation

This prompt is used to create a brief and precise explanation for a given piece of code. The explanation will be composed in the specified number of sentences.

Create a Brief Code Comment

This prompt is used to write a short comment for a specific piece of code, outlining its purpose. The comment will be written in the specified number of sentences.

Create Informative Release Notes

This prompt is used to create informative release notes for a specific version of a software. It encapsulates the changes, new features, and addressed issues.

Creating a Jira Ticket with NLP

This prompt explains how to create a Jira ticket with specific details like summary, description, assignee, and priority using natural language processing.

Creating a Proper Git Commit Message

This prompt is used to generate a suitable Git commit message for a specific object, with an emphasis on reflecting the number of changes made. The outcome should be a message that is both descriptive and useful for tracking changes.

Creating Inclusive Troubleshooting Instruction

This prompt is used to describe an issue and asks for an inclusive troubleshooting instruction for a specific problem on a specific device or platform. It also specifies the number of potential fixes to be included and emphasises the need for the most efficient method.

Draft a Code Comment

This prompt is used to generate a succinct summary comment for a given piece of code. The comment will be drafted in the specified number of sentences.

Drafting Release Notes

This prompt is for drafting release notes for a specific software version. It involves outlining new features and resolved issues in a certain number of points.

Generate Concise Release Notes

This prompt is used to generate concise release notes for a specific version of a software. It highlights the changes and new features, as well as the bugs that have been fixed.

Generating Git Commit Message

This prompt assists in generating a Git commit message for a specific object with a summary, description, and the number of lines changed.

Guide Generation Request

This prompt is for requesting the creation of a user-friendly guide for a specific software. The guide should be in a certain number of easy-to-understand steps. Any relevant information for the guide should also be provided.

Instruction Generation Request

This prompt is for requesting comprehensive step-by-step instructions for a specific feature in a specific software. Any relevant information for the guide should also be provided.

Integration Documentation Request

This prompt is used to request the creation of a specific type of documentation for a software, with the aim of making the integration process easier for developers. Additional information for creating the documentation is also provided.

Jira Ticket Creation

This prompt is used to describe the process of creating a Jira ticket with specific details like summary, description, assignee, priority, and due date using natural language processing.

Obtain Detailed Release Notes

This prompt is used to obtain detailed release notes for a specific version of an application. It includes the major changes, bug fixes, and new features from the last release.

Project Test Report Request

This prompt is used to request the generation of a test report for a specific project, specifying the programming language used and what type of information to include or omit in the audit.

Providing AWS CloudFormation Template for a Service

This prompt is asking for a CloudFormation template that sets up necessary resources and configures specific function settings for a particular service. The service is expected to be triggered using AWS services like Lambda, SQS, or SNS.

Rephrasing Request for Code Testing Documentation Commenting

This prompt is a request for assistance in writing comments for code testing documentation. The comments will provide a detailed understanding of the functions, classes, or files associated with a specific project, focusing on a particular characteristic of the code.

Rephrasing Request for Documentation Commenting Assistance

This prompt is used to request assistance in writing comments for a project's code documentation. The comments are for functions, classes, or files and should be written using a specified programming language, with emphasis on a preferred characteristic.