ChatGPT Prompts for HR and Talent Acquisition

There are 172 prompt in this category

Job Description Creation with Minimum Experience

This prompt is designed to create a job description for a particular role that requires a minimum number of years of experience in a specific industry. It includes details about the company's mission, job responsibilities, and essential qualifications.

Job Description Creation with Required Skills

This prompt is used to create a detailed job description for a specific role in a given industry, requiring certain skills. It includes aspects like the company environment, role duties, and qualifications.

Job Description Development

This prompt is used to generate a comprehensive job description for a specific role. It requires software proficiency and industry-specific experience.

Job Description Drafting

This prompt is used to draft a detailed job description for a given position. It includes details about tasks, required skills, experience, operational timings, and benefits.

Job Description Drafting Strategy

This prompt provides strategies for drafting a job description that would attract superior candidates for a specific department in a company. It emphasizes on highlighting the crucial skills, duties, and any unique features of the job that would appeal to potential candidates.

Job Description Formulation

This prompt is used to create an engaging and detailed job description for a specific role, highlighting the main responsibilities and necessary qualifications.

Job Description Strategy

This prompt helps in outlining job requirements for a specific role at a specific company, also providing examples of attractive wording for potential applicants.

Job Description Template Request

This prompt is a request for a job description template for a specific job role at a company. It emphasizes on highlighting the essential qualifications, major responsibilities, and any other significant elements of the job role.

Job Fair and Events Guide

This prompt is used to request a list of industry-specific events and job fairs that are likely to attract candidates for a specific job role in a specific location.

Job Offer Generator

This prompt is used to generate a detailed job offer for a specific individual for a specific role. The job offer includes a starting salary and information about a company benefits program.

Job Performance Report Request

This prompt requests help in producing a detailed report on an employee's job performance. The report should include an analysis of the employee's job skills, performance metrics, work quality, and work quantity over a specified time period. It also asks for additional information to be included in the report.

Job Posting Walkthrough

This prompt provides a detailed guide on how to post a job vacancy for a specific role on a specific job site.

Job Proposal Draft

This prompt is used to draft a detailed job proposal for a specific role. It includes a starting salary, a performance review period, and information about a company's stock options program.

Job Role Description

This prompt helps you in generating a detailed description of a specific job role at a particular company. It outlines the primary responsibilities, necessary qualifications, daily tasks, essential skills, and any relevant education or experience.

Job Title Policy Creation

This prompt requests assistance in creating a policy that outlines all job titles and their corresponding duties and responsibilities.

Key Components of an Efficient Onboarding Program

As the virtual assistant from a specific department and company, this prompt helps to detail the key components that should be integrated into an efficient employee onboarding program and provides examples of pivotal elements along with their relevance in the procedure.

Key Metrics for Evaluating HR Social Media Campaign

This prompt is asking for the key metrics that should be focused on when evaluating the performance of a HR social media campaign. It considers the main objective of the campaign and the metrics used for assessment.

Lay-off Directory Compilation

This prompt directs the AI to compile a directory of businesses in a specific industry or location that have recently had lay-offs, and to include details about the laid-off employees and their contact information.

Lay-off Report

This prompt is used to request a detailed report of companies within a specified industry or location that have recently implemented lay-offs. The information includes details about the laid-off employees and their contact information.

Layoff Tracking

This prompt is used to compile a list of companies that have recently conducted layoffs in a specific industry or location. The AI will also include relevant details about the laid-off employees and their contact information.

Legal Resources for Specific HR Issues

This prompt is used to request recommendations of legal resources or specific lawyers/law firms that specialize in a certain HR issue. It could be used by anyone who needs legal advice or assistance related to a specific human resources problem.

Maintaining Current HR Data Privacy Policies

This prompt provides guidance on the measures to implement to ensure an HR data privacy policy remains current and in line with the latest specific data protection regulations across specific jurisdictions and industries. It also provides advice on how to include specific data subject rights, specific lawful bases for processing, and specific data transfer mechanisms within the policy.

Manual Compilation Request

This prompt is a request to compile a specific length manual for a particular department, covering a specific topic. It asks for the manual to be in a specific format and to be understandable for a team with a certain level of expertise.

Negotiating a Better Deal with HR Software Vendor

This prompt provides guidance on how to negotiate a better deal with a specific HR software vendor. It factors in specific negotiation strategies, contract terms and conditions, and pricing models.

Onboarding Content Procedure Creation

This prompt is used to instruct an AI to create a step-by-step procedure for producing engaging onboarding content, incorporating specific types of tips, for a certain company.

Onboarding Plan Creation

This prompt assists in creating an onboarding plan for a new hire, outlining specific tasks that need to be completed. It also requests expert advice on a particular topic.

Onboarding Plan Request

This prompt is used to request a detailed onboarding plan for a new employee, including three specific tasks and the user's opinion on a particular topic.

Organizing a Themed Event

This prompt is designed to generate creative concepts for organizing a themed event that will engage a target audience and achieve a certain goal.

Performance Assessment Template Producer

This prompt is used to produce a performance assessment template for a specific discipline within a company. The template will involve five different skills for assessment.

Performance Evaluation Template Generator

This prompt is used to generate a comprehensive performance evaluation template for a specific discipline within a company. The template will include five different criteria for evaluation.

Performance Review Construction

This prompt is used to request help in creating a performance review for a specific employee. The review should highlight the employee's skills and performance indicators over a specific time period, and suggest areas for improvement. The information provided will have a significant impact on the employee's report.

Performance Review Report Request

This prompt requests assistance in creating a comprehensive performance review for a specific employee. It seeks a detailed analysis of the employee's job competencies, work quality, accomplishments, and project success over a specified time period. It also includes additional information for the report.

Performance Review Template Creation

This prompt is used to ask for help in creating a performance review template that reflects the values, competencies, and quarterly goals of a company.

Personalizing Benefits Enrollment Process

This prompt is used when a Virtual Assistant working in a specific discipline or team in a company is looking for advice on how to customize and optimize the benefits enrollment process for a certain group or individual.

Policy Category Queries Compilation

This prompt is used to request a compilation of common questions related to a specific policy category. The aim is to provide employees with prompt answers, including any recent updates or changes.

Policy Category Requirements List

This prompt is used to request a detailed list of requirements for a specific policy category to ensure adherence. It also requests for a comprehensive checklist with specific requirements, including the timeline for meeting each stipulation and potential consequences for non-compliance.

Policy Creation Request

Use this prompt when you need to request the creation of a new policy within your organization. This could be for any department or topic.

Policy Decoding Assistance

This prompt is used to request assistance in understanding a specific policy. It requires clarification on a specific aspect of the policy, tailored for a department or employee, to ensure compliance. The response should provide guidance and examples of the policy's application.

Policy Formulation Assistant

This prompt is used to request assistance in formulating a specific policy. It asks for guidelines, execution processes, and monitoring and evaluation protocols relevant to a specific role at a specific company.

Policy Formulation Help Request

Use this prompt when you need help in formulating a new policy within your organization. The policy could be related to any aspect of the company's operations.

Providing a Step-by-Step Template for HR Cybersecurity Policy

This prompt aids in providing a step-by-step template for creating an HR cybersecurity policy for a business of a certain size in a specific industry. The policy should address a specific aspect and account for the unique challenges faced by a specific team or department within the company.

Request for a Tailored Evaluation

This prompt is for requesting a tailored evaluation on a specific topic for a particular department. The evaluation should cover certain sub-topics, include a mix of multiple-choice and true/false questions, and have a specific duration. It should be challenging but fair.

Request for a Workshop

This prompt is for requesting a workshop of a specific length on a particular topic for a certain department. The workshop should cover specified sub-topics and include a number of activities. It should be interactive, allowing for questions and feedback.

Request for an Interactive Simulation

This prompt is used to request the creation of an interactive simulation on a specific topic for a particular department. The simulation should cover specified sub-topics, have a certain duration, include a number of distinct scenarios, and provide performance feedback.